How NGOs help migrant traffickers at the US border

The road to hell is paved with good intentions — as the involvement of American religious organizations with human traffickers across our southern border demonstrates.  Witness Annunciation...

Why Dems alienate working class, Sandra Day O’Connor, RIP and other commentary

Liberal: Why Dems Alienate Working Class “The key schism” at the “heart of dysfunction within the Democratic Party and the U.S. political system more broadly is between...

Stormy Daniels admits in court that Trump’s $130K was no payoff: Letters

The Issue: Stormy Daniels’ lawyer admitting that Donald Trump’s $130,000 payment wasn’t a payoff. Former President Donald Trump’s trial is an example of the Democrats shaking the...

The 74 year relationship between the UNRWA and Palestinian refugees

Why are Palestinian refugees treated differently than all other refugees on the planet? Why does this separate treatment practically ensure that conflict with Israel will continue...

Where’s the empathy for dead Israeli children?

A photograph of a 2-year-old Syrian boy lying drowned on a Turkish beach held the world spellbound in 2015. His family had been trying to reach...

Israel’s OK on extending cease-fire mustn’t stop it from wiping out Hamas

Monday’s Israel-Hamas deal to extend the cease-fire two more days raises hopes that more hostages will soon be freed — at a price: Every day that...

Heads should roll over Gemini, therapy culture = sad kids, other commentary

Centrist: Heads Should Roll Over Gemini “It’s increasingly apparent that Gemini is among the more disastrous product rollouts in the history of Silicon Valley,” thunders Nate Silver...

Biden is only pretending to solve the border crisis he created

When President Biden took office, he inherited what his first Border Patrol chief, Rodney Scott, described as “arguably the most effective border security in” US history. The...

The DOE’s student discipline code is to blame for Hillcrest HS problems

It’s all well and good that Chancellor David Banks visited Hillcrest HS on Monday, a week after dozens of rioting students forced a teacher into hiding...

Columbia protester parents on the hook for college riots: Letters

The Issue: Piers Morgan’s op-ed demanding accountability from the parents of student protesters. I laughed while reading Piers Morgan ask about the parents of the protesting students...