Letters to the Editor — Oct. 16, 2023

The Issue: Israel’s siege of the Gaza Strip after Hamas’ attack on civilians in Israel. The pure evil and savagery of this attack on Israel can leave...

Socialist NYC pol Emily Gallagher hates YOUR car but loves hers

Assembly Member Emily Gallagher (D-Brooklyn) hates cars — except her own. The upstate-transplant socialist and “safe streets” lover has notched at least 46 (!!!) tickets these past...

Fentanyl is the poisoning of America

“It’s other people’s problem” is what I hear from many Americans when they consider the more than 100,000 drug deaths a year in this country. When they...

Michelle Wu’s segregated Christmas party shows the left’s views on race are deeply regressive

If you’re throwing a party that Gov. George Wallace would approve of, you might want to think twice. On Thursday, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defended her decision...

Iran is on edge of full rebellion — West must stop aiding the regime

With the Iranian regime’s president in New York, speaking to the United Nations just days after the anniversary of an uprising sparked by a brutal regime...

How Meghan Markle’s political manifesto might look

The sad death of California Senator Dianne Feinstein sparked feverish speculation that Meghan Markle might toss her royal tiara into the race to replace the 90-year-old...

Holidays allow us to enter our grace period as a nation: Be grateful

Entering our grace period Professors who’ve never worked in their lives now poison the minds of college students. May they know Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude. For...

America must take the world’s new Axis of Evil much more seriously — or...

When war in Ukraine began, two years ago, I thought the best analogy might be with the Korean War.  You have to frame what we’re going through...

The wheels are coming off New York’s insane alternate-energy plans

New York state’s insane renewable-energy plan is starting to implode; the sooner Gov. Kathy Hochul and other leaders admit the truth, the better. On Thursday, the state...

Columbia cancels graduation in big, ugly win for campus radicals

The tail is still wagging the dog at Columbia. In a total capitulation to the anti-Israel campus chaos-causers, the school just cancelled the university-wide commencement ceremony on...