Why opening a Biden impeachment inquiry is a no-brainer

House investigations of President Joe Biden’s actions on behalf of son Hunter’s clients are now an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday.

For all the inevitable rage from the other side of the aisle, it’s a no-brainer.

In eight months, House GOP probes have proven that Joe was in close cahoots with Hunter’s enterprises: He broke bread with Hunter’s clients, jumped on calls with them, even wrote at least one college recommendation.

And, when Hunter’s Burisma paymasters demanded rescue from a Ukrainian corruption investigation, Joe went to Ukraine and blackmailed the government to fire that prosecutor — threatening to withhold $1 billion in US aid, even though it now seems the rest of the Obama administration still had him down as a good guy.

Yes, details need to be pinned down in all that: Republicans shouldn’t rush to actual impeachment without a full investigation (even though Democrats did rush to impeach then-President Donald Trump over his Ukraine call threatening to delay an aid payment).

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced that he has approved a formal impeachment inquiry for President Biden.
Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

First, the American public needs to know what’s in the thousands of pseudonym emails Joe was then sending, as well as exactly where all the millions funneled through Hunter’s dozens of shell companies came from and went to.

Did Joe benefit directly, or was it just the rest of his family?

Unravel, too, the collusion between social-media companies and high officials at the FBI and elsewhere to censor and censure The Post when it began breaking the Hunter laptop stories.

Here’s what the Biden family business scandal impeachment inquiry would look like

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry Tuesday into President Biden — turbocharging congressional power to acquire documents and testimony about Biden’s role in his family’s foreign business dealings while he was vice president.

House Republicans already have issued an array of demands to executive branch agencies relating to Joe Biden’s involvement with first son Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden’s international dealings — in many cases setting September deadlines that could soon escalate into litigation.

Hunter Biden claimed in his abandoned laptop that he has to give "half" of his income to his father.
Hunter Biden claimed in his abandoned laptop that he has to give “half” of his income to his father.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File

The inquiry aims to answer a number of questions:

What’s in Joe Biden’s vice presidential emails?

While vice president, Joe Biden used the pseudonyms “Robert L. Peters” and “Robin Ware” to communicate with staff members — leaving a paper trail of nearly 5,400 written records.

The House Oversight Committee demanded those communications from the National Archives with an Aug. 31 deadline, but a source tells The Post the agency did not comply.

What do Hunter Biden’s bank records show?

Congressional Republicans are preparing to issue subpoenas to banks for accounts held by Hunter and James Biden — after previously subpoenaing some of the associates’s bank statements.

The records could show whether any money was transferred to Joe Biden from his relatives’ foreign income streams and also whether they covered a substantial portion of his expenses. It’s possible the House will later seek the president’s bank records too.


Find out exactly why US Attorney David Weiss meekly let the statute of limitations pass when it came to prosecuting Hunter’s worst apparent crimes, and how he came thisclose to granting the First Son immunity from all future prosecution following from his investigations.

And why Attorney General Merrick Garland then proceeded to name Weiss as the special prosecutor in Hunter’s case — when the rules clearly state an AG can’t grant that status to someone who already reports to him.

Track down everything about the repeated reprisals against FBI and IRS whistleblowers in this case.

Get down to the bottom of the coverup.

We hope the gravity of an impeachment inquiry makes it easier (as the Watergate investigation did in the Nixon years) to overcome the administration’s nonstop stonewalling on all these fronts.

Impeachment is a political process, but shouldn’t be the political tool that Democrats made of it against Trump.

Learn from then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s mistakes: Do this right, get the facts solidly down and then proceed as they dictate.