Trump’s $83 million defamation lawsuit loss: Letters

The Issue: A verdict ordering former President Donald Trump pay $83 million to E. Jean Carroll.

There appears to be a conflict of interest in every case being prosecuted against former President Donald Trump (“ ‘Conflict of Interest’,” Jan. 28).

One of the conflicts of interest may have involved Gov. Hochul’s agreement to extend the statute of limitations for rape survivors — to potentially enable the case against Trump.

Ultimately the verdict in the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial — awarding the plaintiff over $83 million — is a travesty of justice.

In fact, the case had no merit and should have never gotten to trial. The fact that the jury was gullible enough to fall for the plaintiff’s unproven allegations — that Trump met E. Jean Carroll at Bergdorf Goodman and raped her in a ladies’ dressing room — is concerning.

Trump’s lawyers failed in their mission and he should replace them before he files his appeal.

J.J. Crovatto

Ramsey, NJ

Trump was treated very badly and unfairly in federal court.

I have been a trial attorney for over 50 years in both state and federal courts in New York. I have honestly never seen any defendant treated like Trump was. To tell you the truth, it was scary to watch.

I can’t believe my fellow attorneys are not protesting this verdict. I don’t believe Trump should pay a single cent of the verdict. Instead he should appeal for a new trial.

James Shortt

Garden City

Trump didn’t like the closing argument in the Carroll case and he walked out as counsel was addressing the jury.

He showed total disrespect for the judicial system which as a potential sitting president is unacceptable. Shame on him for undermining the credibility of our courts.

Is that what he will do if a foreign leader says something he doesn’t like? Character counts and — much like all of his businesses — Trump is bankrupt in character.

Gary Kleinman

Los Angeles, Calif.

How utterly obscene to award Carroll $83 million for defamation (“MAGA millions,” Jan. 27).

She testified with a straight face under oath that her reputation “as a respected journalist was destroyed and ended the world” she lived in. In what universe could anyone believe this woman when she couldn’t even remember the year the Bergdorf fitting-room incident took place?

I hope Trump’s appeal is taken seriously and this over-the-top award is greatly reduced. Otherwise I have lost faith in our justice system and the rule of law.

Alice Daly


Awarding these exorbitant damages signals that the sky is the limit.

These extreme awards are a sign of the times. It seems that the goal at hand is to shock the public and ignite the media to run with the verdict in any direction. This could either damage or propel Trump in his quest for the presidency.

As in the Alex Jones case, the public has lost sight of the definition for a realistic and equitable court settlement.

Ronald Frank

West Orange, NJ

After being hit with an outrageous $83 million lawsuit judgment, Trump stormed out of the courtroom and subsequently vented on Truth Social, “This is not America!”

You’ve got to hand it to the 77-year-old former president. He could choose to effortlessly live out his golden years in pure splendor at Mar-a-Lago without a care in the world. Instead — due to his undying love for America — he chooses to endure relentless defamation and harassment designed to damage him politically, financially and personally.

Incredibly, this deep-state full-court press against him is backfiring as Trump continues to surge in the polls.

Like him or not, Trump is clearly on a mission from God to save not only America — but ultimately the entire world.

Eugene Dunn


Trump has a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a fair trial in New York.

The court predetermined the verdict before any evidence or facts were presented. Not like that would matter anyway.

Robert Neglia


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