The pretty European city four hours from UK where it’s still 19C at Christmas | World | News

A pretty European city is setting people into a frenzy after they realised that it was less than four hours away from the UK and had balmy winter temperatures. Brits are ready to escape the freezing cold weather by flying to the Greek powerhouse to lounge around in a sensational 19 degrees instead. 

With the sun out most of the year in Athens, you can expect a trip full of beautiful beach walks, gorgeous Greek food and plenty of fascinating cultural sites. The city is steeped in history and has ancient ruins dotted around. 

The number-one thing to do though, is hike up the hill packed with olive trees and fruit stalls to the Acropolis. The destination, which is thousands of years old and home to some unbelievable ruins, is one of the most awe-inspiring in the world. Among the ruins includes the world-famous Parthenon temple and Theatre of Dionysus. The views from the top of the hill are “magnificent” and “breathtaking”, according to Tripadvisor.

Once you’ve ticked that off, you should nip down to the various markets, which range from the weird to the wonderful, selling almost everything you could hope for. Old paintings, candlesticks, beautifully handcrafted musical instruments and watches are among the offerings – but make sure you get some haggling practice in at home, as the shopkeepers tend to start the bidding high. 

If you haven’t had enough of the history yet though, then do get over to the Temple of Olympian Zeus, which was dedicated to the legendary god of sky and thunder. You can also nip to Delphi on the coach – the site of the oracle and heart of the classic Greek world, where the priestess Pythia was known as a spokesperson for Apollo.

Athens isn’t just known for its culture though. If you’re looking for a chilled one, then head to one of its many beaches. There is a stretch of coastline less than nine miles (14km) south of the city centre with a number of stunningly sandy beaches with blue-flag-certified clean waters. 

You can also sail into the sun on an island-hopping cruise. There are a number of wonderful islands nearby, including Kythnos, Anthos and Agistri.