The Post endorses George Latimer over Jamaal Bowman in NY-16 race

As early voting starts Saturday in New York’s primaries, easily the most important race is the Democratic contest in the Bronx-Westchester 16th Congressional District, where The Post endorses County Executive George Latimer over two-term Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

Latimer is a solid, straightforward longtime public servant, a mainstream New York Democrat who promises to work across the aisle and focus on affordable housing, jobs for the middle class and working-class people and climate change.

Rep. Bowman is a race-obsessed fan of YouTube conspiracy theories and spreader of 9/11 hokum who long denied Hamas’ violent, on-video rapes of Israeli women on Oct. 7 — and has delivered nothing meaningful to the district.

And also a two-faced liar.

A liar not just about pulling that fire alarm in a bid to derail a House vote and so shut down the federal government. (He pretended it was an innocent mistake; video footage proved otherwise.)

He’s also a liar to the people of his district: He’s been telling them he generally supports Israel and quit the Democratic Socialists of America (whose NY branch co-sponsored that obscene Oct. 8 pro-Hamas rally), yet he recently met with the local DSA behind closed doors and told them: “I didn’t let my dues lapse.”

More, he said he “personally” backs the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement but hasn’t not gone public about it because of the “large Jewish population, large Zionist population, large pro-Israel population, large AIPAC population” in the district.

Latimer, by contrast, respects Israel’s right to exist within secure borders and to defend itself when attacked.

New Yorkers don’t need this deceptive, antisemitic extremist in Congress.

That makes George Latimer the no-brainer choice for Democrats in the 16th District.