Smarmy Brad Lander should put up his own resources to match his panders

City Comptroller Brad Pander last week announced he’s launching an “investigation” of the Adams administration’s “cruel” 60-day shelter limit for migrants.

Oops, that’s Brad Lander — “pander” is just what he mostly does.

As when Brad tweeted: “City Hall’s 60-day shelter limit rule is honestly one of the cruelest policies we’ve seen in generations.”

Yes, illegal-migrant families who’ve been in city shelters for two months have to re-apply, and may well wind up in a different shelter: That’s horrifically cruel?

Sorry: Gaming your way around US immigration laws (with the connivance of the Biden administration) and then exploiting New York City’s “right to shelter” is an inherently risky affair.

The city’s resources aren’t infinite, and modest incentives for “asylum seekers” to find a better situation on their own are perfectly reasonable.

Heck, given all his noise on the issue, why doesn’t Lander take in a family or three at his Park Slope home?

Comptroller Brad Lander meets with a pregnant migrant outside of the Row hotel where he expressed concerns about the city’s “cruel” 60-day shelter limit. Matthew McDermott

That’d make a bigger difference than his futile trip to Washington to belatedly lobby for more federal help for the city, which faces an added $3 billion hole in its budget thanks to the crisis, threatening reductions in other city services.

If he wanted to buckle down and actually help, Lander clearly has plenty of time on his hands, since he’s constantly neglecting his work to head off to left-wing rallies as he chases what he plainly sees as his real job: positioning himself for a mayoral run come 2025.

Indeed, he spends so little time on his actual duties that he could probably put up another a family or two in his office.