Sharon Osbourne admits ‘I didn’t want to go this thin’ as she opens up on weight loss | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Sharon Osbourne opened up about her dramatic weight loss after she shed two stone while using a controversial weight loss injection.

The TV star appeared on Talk TV’s Piers Morgan Uncensored on Wednesday alongside her husband Ozzy and her children Kelly and Jack.

Speaking from her family home, the 70-year-old admitted: “I didn’t want to go this thin.”

Back in June, Sharon attributed her weight loss to the use of much-debated weight-loss jabs Ozempic.

During a discussion on the controversial injections on The Talk, Sharon shared her first-hand experience of the drugs, after it was announced WeGovy’s launch in the UK had been put on pause.

She explained: “It is a mental problem. It really is, apart from, you know, when children grow up in a household where they live off chips and pies,’ she said.

“But I took (the injection.) I took it for four months and I lost 30 pounds, but like everything, there’s always no quick recipe.

“I was very sick for a couple of months. The first couple of months, I just felt nauseous. Every day I felt nauseous, my stomach was upset, whatever.”

The mom-of-three added: “But listen, I took it for four months, I lost 30 pounds. I’ve just shoved two chips in my mouth, while we had the break, and I eat normally now, and I haven’t put on a pound. Nothing.”

Sharon has used other methods to try and lose weight in the past, even having gastric bypass surgery in 1999.

Speaking out about the decision in 2014, she told Entertainment Tonight she felt like a “cheat” for using medical purposes to help her shed the pounds.

The procedure, also called a lap band, involves placing an inflatable band in a ring around the upper portion of the stomach.

She lost an incredible 100lb from it but it wasn’t worth it as far as Sharon was concerned, due to the side effects.

Sharon said: “It makes you vomit the whole time. Nothing goes down because it goes out.”

The reality star eventually had the band removed in 2006 and decided to stick to a more traditional diet and exercise to maintain her slimmer figure.