Sara Cox’s secret connection to Antiques Roadshow star Fiona Bruce | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Between The Covers presenter Sara Cox has opened up on how her friendship with Antiques Roadshow star Fiona Bruce began. The BBC presenting pair are unlikely pals having worked in completely different TV genres across their broadcasting careers but their love of horses brought them together.

Sara purchased her horse Nelly in October 2020, having not owned one since she was a teenager, and is clearly very enamoured of her steed. “She’s my darling… She forces me to live in the moment because I can’t be on my phone; it’s just us in the middle of nowhere, which is fantastic…

“I ride with Fiona Bruce, who I met watching showjumping,” she revealed. “I was excited to be on her table because I love Antiques Roadshow and we really hit it off.

“She’s hilarious. She has a really good bunch of horsey pals and she invites me along to ride with them. They’re all in their 50s and 60s and they’re very cool – just absolute bad*** and they don’t give a monkeys about celebrity, which is great. I’m always the worst rider, somewhere at the back,” Sara told the new edition of Good Housekeeping magazine.

A friendship with BBC current affairs presenter Fiona would have seemed unthinkable at the beginning of Sara’s career. Back then she and the rest of the crop of young, beautiful and glamourous but also brash and outspoken 1990s presenters, who included Denise Van Outen and Zoe Ball, were deemed to be ladettes. Something that Sara now says she finds offensive.

“The term ‘ladette’ was sexist and I’ve always hated it”, she told the publication.

“That misrepresentation was hard, but what got me through it is what gets me through challenges now – I’ve always had a circle of strong female friends who know me inside out and I think that’s so important.”

Indeed, despite the perception people may have had of “ladettes” in the 1990s Sara admits she takes her career very seriously.

“I’m like my mum, who always held down two or three jobs; I work really hard. And I never just phone it in.

“I might have been guilty of that in my 20s, when I was a bit more laissez-faire about my career, but as the years have gone by, I’ve become more ambitious and much more focused.”

When it comes to her imminent big birthday, Sara is extremely relaxed.

“I actually had a massive party for my 49th birthday last December – a ‘Sara’s not 50’ party, which was lovely.

“I’ve lost friends who were snatched away in their 30s with a young family, so I’m thrilled to be alive. I’m grateful to be getting older,” she said.

You can read the full interview with Sara Cox in the August 2024 issue of Good Housekeeping which is now on sale.