Russian soldiers blow themselves up after getting drunk on supply run | World | News

Three Russian soldiers blew themselves up in a grenade explosion after getting drunk during a resupply run in the latest humiliation for under-pressure Vladimir Putin.

The servicemen died in a house in the city of Rossosh in Russia‘s southwestern Voronezh region. This is according to the Telegram channel of independent Russian-language news outlet Astra and VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, which has close links to the country’s security forces.

The extraordinary incident saw a grenade explode in a private house that was rented by five men, as reported by local news outlet Bloknot, according to Newsweek.

The publication was told by eyewitnesses the servicemen were relaxing during a barbeque before there was a “drunken conversation” between them later that night.

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The three men who died were in Rossosh, tasked to buy military equipment, and were drinking at the time of the explosion, according to the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, adding they “belonged to the Central Military District and were in service”.

The channel, citing an unnamed source, reported: “In total, they were given three days for delivery.

“At some point, three troops came out of the house (two remained inside and were not injured) and an explosion occurred in the yard. It was established that an F-1 grenade exploded.

Independent Russian-language news outlet Astra reported the three men who met their grizzly end were “professional sappers.”

In one video, Ukrainian troops are seen forcing three Russian soldiers to lie on the ground after they have surrendered and soon, an artillery round can be seen going off on both the Ukrainian and Russian troops.

It was said to be filmed in the Donetsk village, of Andriivka, Ukraine – a day after the 3rd Assault Brigade had retaken the area from Russian forces.

The Telegram post read, per the Kyiv Post: “Assault group 2 of the mechanized battalion takes another group of prisoners.

“At the same time the enemy, realizing that the village is lost and his soldiers are surrendering en masse, orders to open ‘fire on their own.'”

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