Russell Brand LIVE: Star denies ‘criminal allegations’ ahead of mystery Dispatches doc | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Russell Brand has denied what he described as criminal allegations ahead of the release of a mystery Dispatches documentary.

Posting a video on his YouTube channel and X (Twitter) pages titled, ‘This is happening’, Mr Brand said he denied “serious allegations” which he claims are being made against him.

Mr Brand claimed he received an “extremely disturbing” letter and email from mainstream media TV company and newspaper featuring “a litany of extremely egregious” attacks.

Mr Brand added that he refuted the allegations and claimed that it seemed to him like a “coordinated attack”.

X owner Elon Musk backed the UK celebrity, in a respone that appeared to support Brand’s attack on the mainstream media.

“Of course. They don’t like competition,” Musk replied.

Speaking on his YouTube channel, Brand said: “I don’t mind them using my books and my stand-up to talk about my promiscuous, consensual conduct in the past. What I seriously refute are these very, very serious criminal allegations.

“Also it’s worth mentioning there are witnesses whose evidence directly contradicts the narratives these two mainstream outlets are trying to construct, apparently in what seems to me to be a co-ordinated attack.

“I don’t want to get into this any further because of the serious nature of the allegations but I feel like I’m being attacked and plainly they are working very closely together.”

Mr Brand’s video comes hours before Channel 4 revealed they would highlight behaviour by an A-list celebrity in a Dispatches investigation in a documentary set to air on Saturday at 9pm.