Rod Stewart on ages, his whisky venture and how he’s selling his $80m mansion | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

HAPPY TOGETHER: Penny and Rod first met in 1999 (Image: Supplied by Wolfie’s Whisky)

Fresh from celebrating his 79th birthday, and as he looks towards his milestone 80th, Rod Stewart is feeling philosophical.

“I was actually sick on my birthday this year. On January 10 I had the worst cold ever, everything was cancelled, we didn’t go out,” says the legendary singer.

“So we did my birthday party last night. We went to the The Old War Office in London for dinner and then went to see a wonderful play – Cabaret.”

Another year passing has got him thinking.

“There’s not much to learn when you get to my age, you know. You’ve either learnt it or you haven’t,” says Rod, the voice behind iconic songs Maggie May, Sailing and I Don’t Want To Talk About It.

In a career spanning six decades, he has released more than 30 studio albums, and sold over 250 million records worldwide.

“I think what I have learned is a deep appreciation of how long I have made this last,” he says. “And of course that isn’t down to me. I can make the music but it’s up to the public – they’re the ones that buy the albums and tickets to the shows. I’m eternally grateful for that.”

Rod first hit the music scene in his teens with Long John Baldry.

“That was the first band I ever joined. I thought to myself, well if this lasts a year, or six months, I’ll save up all my money and be able to buy a little humble sports car. It was a Triumph Spitfire.

“Never in a million years did I think I’d still be singing in my 70s. You know, I’m just about to embark on a European tour, and it’s virtually sold out. I’m so over the moon. But I don’t want to push my luck – I’ll keep going as long as I’m wanted.”

A master of reinvention, Rod has turned his hand to almost every genre of music, from pop to blues, the latest being jazz, and new album Swing Fever, a collaboration with musician and presenter Jools Holland. It’s out on February 23.

“I can still rock with the best of them, but there’s something about swing music and the great standards of the 1930s and ’40s that is so gorgeous to sing, so rewarding,” says Rod. Never one to rest on his laurels, he also dipped his toe into the booze business last year, with the conception of Wolfie’s.

It’s a blended Scotch whisky brand and joint venture with close friend and business partner Duncan Frew, as well as Loch Lomond Distillery.

“We became bosom buddies over our love of Glasgow Celtic. Over a boozy night, the idea of Wolfie’s was born,” says Duncan. He and Rod are together for our interview, and make a raucous pair.


“As you know I am a rock singer. And I am a firm believer that some of life’s greatest decisions can be made over a bottle of whisky.


“Just look at Winston Churchill – although he was really a brandy man, I think,” says Rod.

A family business, the Stewart children are involved with Wolfie’s too, as well as his wife, model Penny Lancaster, 52.

Rod with his whisky partner Duncan Frew

Rod with his whisky partner Duncan Frew (Image: Supplied by Wolfie’s Whisky)

“It’s been harmonious. Everyone is kept in the loop, everyone’s decisions and opinions are taken into account. It is a joint effort,” says Rod. “I’ve got eight children and I love every one of them. They’re all scattered around the world. But we go on summer holidays together and try to meet up at Christmas.

“It’s wonderful when I look at my phone in the morning and see that all the Stewarts have called through the night, the ones in America, be it Kimberly, Liam or Sean. There are a lot of Stewarts.”

Rod lives permanently in the UK now, in a mansion on the Essex/Hertfordshire border.

“I still use my houses in America. I have one gorgeous mansion in Los Angeles which is currently on the market for $80million if you’re interested?”

It’s a little out of my price range, I tell him. Rod laughs.

“Yes, yes. We go backwards and forwards to America, but I pay my taxes here in the UK.

“It was the kids that brought us back here. Penny decided when the last two were born, when they got to about six or seven, that we’d finish their education here.”

Rod and Penny have been together for more than two decades. “We’re a couple of romantics. We do enjoy being at home and eating with just the two of us – or even with the kids,” says Rod.


“We light the candles, and I always get dressed for dinner. I don’t wear a bow tie or anything but I like to change my clothes and sit down to enjoy dinner.”

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Happiness, he says, is the secret to his longevity, as well as giving back.

Indeed, Rod is well recognised for his extensive charity work. Wolfie’s is no exception, and so far the brand has raised over £100,000 in charity auctions alone.

“You need to be in love with your career, which I am. I do work at keeping myself slim and fit.

“And I think happiness has a lot to do with longevity.

“I’ve always been pretty charitable. Before I had any money I was still conscious. If I ever see an ad on TV, be it for children with cleft lips or anything else, I’ve got the money so why not help others who are less fortunate?”

He has no immediate plans to retire, although Rod admits his family would quite like him to.

“I’ve done so much I feel almost selfish to do anything else. I came into this business when I was 16, and there will be a time when I have to stop – and hopefully that won’t be due to ill health.

“But I’m still enjoying life so much. Life has been unbelievably wonderful for me. I just want to keep doing what I’m doing – singing, making people happy.”

After our interview, Rod and Duncan have plans to raid Rod’s famous closet.

“We’re on the hunt for some spandex. We’re expanding Wolfie’s into duty free and we’re going to have some of them as part of our stands,” explains Duncan.

“They’re suddenly in demand,” laughs Rod. “My 18-year-old son Alastair wears my clothes. As do all the boys, in fact.

“He goes up and says, ‘You know, Dad, this is all back in fashion’. I say, ‘Crikey, is it?’

“I never wore my dad’s clothes because he was a plumber.”


* Wolfie’s Whisky is now available at Tesco, £35