Putin and Kim Jong Un’s terrifying warning to the West as North Korea vows to support war | World | News

Kim Jong-un has issued a warning to the West as he met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for the first time since 2019.

It was the North Korean dictator’s first foreign visit since he closed his country’s borders during the pandemic. During that time, his two most significant allies, China and Russia, have seen tensions with the West reach boiling point.

Putin took Kim on a tour of the Vostochny Cosmodrome this morning, Russia’s most important domestic satellite launch centre, before sitting down for a one-on-one, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Putin said the pair would discuss issues related to “economic cooperation” and those of a “humanitarian nature” but US officials suggested last week another topic on the agenda would be the sale of North Korean weapons to be used in Ukraine.

While such North Korean pledges are unlikely to be made publicly for fear of being hit by retaliatory sanctions, a threat the US has already made, Kim was unbridled in his support for Russia’s “special military operation” during his opening remarks today (September 13).

Speaking to reporters while sitting next to Putin, Kim said Russia was “waging a sacred fight to defend its sovereignty”, as well as to protect its “security interests” and promote “justice against the hegemonists”, a reference to the US as the global superpower.

He added: “We have always expressed full and unconditional support for the actions taken by the Russian government.

“I take this opportunity to affirm that we will always stand with Russia on the anti-imperialist front.”

Putin responded by saying simply he was “very glad” to see his North Korean counterpart.

The Kremlin has been characteristically evasive when asked about the talking points of the meeting between the two leaders.

Peskov said only that the talks were being carried out for the benefit of both nations and not against anyone else. He added that there were no plans to sign documents following the negotiations.

Given Peskov’s track record of disinformation – he told reporters last February that the Kremlin had no interest in invading Ukraine – finding truth in these comments is difficult.

The Pentagon last month claimed that Russia had specifically asked North Korea for ammunition. These remarks followed a visit to Pyongyang by Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu, one of the co-leaders of the “special military operation”.

In return, US officials added, North Korea would like Russia to provide advanced technology for satellites and nuclear-powered submarines, as well as food aid. Since closing its borders, the country’s population has suffered mass food shortages.

During today’s meeting, Kim was given a tour of the Soyuz-2 space rocket launch facility. He allegedly peppered the Russian space official with questions about the rockets during the tour, suggesting space technology was another potential trade option.

Irrespective of what is offered, the meeting represents another coming-together of two states indignant at the US-led world order.

If North Korean weapons appear in Ukraine, they will become only the second nation after Iran, another staunch opponent to the West, that has become involved in Russia’s illegal invasion.