POLL: Do you think the UK is prepared to face a nuclear attack from Russia? | World | News

The unsettling prospect of Russians placing a nuclear weapon into space has started to spark fears over potential satellite weaponisation.

The gravity of the situation and the urgency for action has been highlighted by House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner and poses the question over the UK’s readiness to confront such a nuclear threat from Russia.

Do you think the UK is ready for such a threat? Tell us by answering our poll below or a this link.

“It is very concerning and very sensitive,” stressed an inside source in conversation with ABC News, labelling it “a big deal”. House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner urged President Biden to declassify “all information” associated with it.

He characterised the threat as “a destabilising foreign military capability,” further emphasising the need for swift and decisive action.

In a letter addressed to Congress, Turner underscored the urgency of addressing the matter promptly. The information related to the threat is made accessible in a secure location, aligning with chamber rules, to all members of the House.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan, questioned the Republican intelligence request at a White House briefing, but remained tight-lipped on whether Thursday’s meeting with congressional leadership would involve discussions on the subject.

Sullivan refrained from divulging additional details, saying: “Americans understand that there are a range of threats and challenges in the world that we are dealing with every single day.”

Despite the uncertainties, Sullivan expressed confidence in President Biden’s commitment to safeguarding the security of the American people.

Addressing the upcoming meeting with lawmakers, Sullivan revealed: “I reached out earlier this week to the Gang of Eight.”

Despite the warnings, several members of Congress urged for calm – with the potential for such discussions to create mass panic in America and across the west if details were made public.