Jill Biden’s Vogue interview proves she’s clinging to the reins of power

If anyone had any doubts as to why First Lady Jill Biden is still pushing hubby Joe to fight on for re-election, the unctious Vogue puff...

Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling is what the body was meant for — unpopular...

Within minutes of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, liberal politicians and pundits seemed to move from hyperbole to hyperventilation. When not breathing into paper...

After the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, end lawfare for good

President Donald Trump’s behavior in the runup to, and on, Jan. 6 was outrageous: That much is beyond doubt. Yet Monday’s Supreme Court ruling guarantees that...

Jill Biden’s Vogue cover proves how out of touch the family is

After Biden’s horrific debate performance on Thursday, much of the media world reluctantly conceded that our 46th president looks like a lost toddler. And then there’s Vogue...

Supreme Court puts Trump’s insurrection case on life support

Even the Democratic deus ex machina is having a bad stretch.  No matter how favorable the presidential race has looked for Donald Trump, there’s always been the...

Post-debate Biden freak-out paints lefty media in a corner

Let’s be blunt: This is shaping up to be arguably the worst seven days for the Democratic Party and its media allies of our lifetimes. It’s a...

This is the only Democratic ticket that could replace Biden-Harris

President Biden’s debate meltdown has thrown Democrats into a frenzy. Many think Biden is a goner, but they wonder who might replace him even if they...

Joe Biden’s asleep at the national-security wheel and Americans will die

As if in grim confirmation of all the worst fears summoned up by President Biden’s total public collapse Thursday night, now US military bases in Europe...

Pat Tillman will be turning in his grave as royal traitor Harry is honored...

Pat Tillman is an American hero. He was also the absolute nailed-down epitome of service and duty. A man who gave up his $3.6 million contract as a...

Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after...

In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s debate debacle, there is one constant: Dr. Jill’s delusional self-belief that she can save the day.  Under the thrall of her...