In Biden’s war on poverty, poverty — especially for kids — is winning

What a cruel irony: The president whose policy obsession from Day 1 in the Oval Office has been not to grow the economy but to reduce...

White House orders the media to keep sainting Joe Biden

The White House has finally made official what it has been implying for more than two years: Any journalist who reports on President Biden’s misdeeds and...

Cuomo? Oh no! Andrew should not be one to save us from Biden-Trump

So a perfectly serious fellow, writing in an eminently serious newspaper, is touting Andrew Cuomo for president. Seriously. Cue the “Jaws” theme — only this time scored by...

Joe Biden’s border bungling echoes Jimmy Carter

“Worse than Jimmy Carter” is an epithet Republicans often throw at Democratic presidents.  It’s a label, though, that Joe Biden clearly deserves on immigration, an area where...

Solving the US migrant crisis is utterly do-able, here’s how

The border hasn’t been secured for the last 20 years because too many politicians are lying to you about how complex this issue is. We have leaders...

We must make work-from-home federal bureaucrats accountable to Americans

There’s no denying Washington’s administrative state is unresponsive to the needs of real Americans. The worst part: Federal workers aren’t even showing up to work! Thousands of veterans’...

Biden’s 9/11 trip to Alaska: Letters to the Editor

The Issue: President Biden skipping the main 9/11 anniversary events with a speech in Alaska. Is it any wonder President Biden doesn’t want to go near New...

Here’s how Republicans can get minority voters to abandon the Democrats

Democrats are losing minority support, and I have a modest proposal for Republicans: Educate minority voters and immigrants on what Democrats actually believe. Writing in The New...

Jew-hatred is poisoning America’s campuses

A discredited, disgusting, antisemitic book will be taught at one of America’s most prestigious universities this year. A fall course syllabus at Princeton includes “The Right to...

Why opening a Biden impeachment inquiry is a no-brainer

House investigations of President Joe Biden’s actions on behalf of son Hunter’s clients are now an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday. For all the...