AI and security cameras could stop the shoplifting epidemic

Earlier this year, the New York Police Department shared a grim statistic: Shoplifting in the Big Apple was up 45% from the previous year. Heyward Donigan,...

Jack Smith goes too far in trying to gag Donald Trump

Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” After Friday night,...

China’s population is falling from its former ‘one-child’ policy

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has created an economic model that is unsustainable.  Official corruption and mismanagement of the economy, the crushing of creativity and innovation...

Luka Hein lawsuit proves it: Don’t let kids transition

Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the drive to institutionalize radical gender ideology is the damage done to the children its proponents sacrifice.  Take Luka Hein. The Minnesota 21-year-old...

NYC must nail ringleaders in ‘Oliver Twist’ child thieves

A recent crime tale unfolding in Manhattan and Brooklyn bars is straight out of “Oliver Twist,” with a host of tiny thieves looking no older than...

Hold Iran to account for Mahsa Amini’s murder when UN meets

The first anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder on Sept. 16, 2022, couldn’t come at a better time: It coincides with the commencement of the UN General...

Union boss Weingarten thinks you’re a racist if you want good schools for your...

Want to have some ability to choose where your child goes to school? Well, then you’re a racist. So says Randi Weingarten, leader of the American Federation...

Let struggling students fail and teach them to persevere

An epidemic of plummeting school standards is spreading throughout the nation in the name of “helping” kids. Alas, it’ll do anything but. Portland schools are mulling the...

Eric Adams’ push for NYC migrant work permits: Letters

The Issue: New York leaders’ push for the Biden administration to speed up work visas for migrants. Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams claim that work permits for...

Stop Russia’s Ukraine kidnappings, GOP’s impeachment goof and other commentary

Foreign desk: Stop Russia’s Ukraine Kidnappings “Of all the war crimes being committed by Russia in its brutal war on Ukraine, the mass deportation of children so...