Democrats’ denialism of Biden’s cognitive decline is cruel

Enough denialism: Democrats (and their media enablers) need to face the facts on President Biden’s cognitive decline. After The Post reported on Biden wandering away from...

Leftists have done unthinkable —driven me out of New York City

I did it. I’m a born-and-bred New Yorker who never fathomed leaving this city for the boredom of the ‘burbs. But New York left me. I’ve lived in every borough...

NYC squatter scourge is so bad even lefty lawmakers are moving to crack down

New York’s squatter nightmare has gotten so far out of control that even liberal lawmakers are finally moving to plug the loopholes that have facilitated the...

Albany’s budget deal locks in an uglier future for New York

Once again, Albany’s budget deal fully made good on its nickname, the “Big Ugly” — locking in an uglier future for New York. Gov.Hochul can claim a...

Tish James spending proves she’s full of baloney on Donald Trump

Why do so many anti-Trump popular tribunes love to live high on the hog? Take New York’s own Attorney General Tish James, now riding her marquee prosecution...

Israel cannot let Palestinian Authority run Gaza or allow Hezbollah to remain on border

Fantasies abound about “the day after” Israel ends its war against Hamas, yet one thing’s certain: The Jewish state can no longer live with terrorists on...

Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen testifies against him: Letters

The Issue: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s decision to have Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testify. In a desperate attempt to throw anything against the wall and see...

China’s population is falling from its former ‘one-child’ policy

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has created an economic model that is unsustainable.  Official corruption and mismanagement of the economy, the crushing of creativity and innovation...

Possible arrest warrants for Israeli leaders expose the utter perversity of the International Criminal...

The perversity of targeting Israeli leaders for justly attempting, as any other nation would, to free the hostages and prevent future Hamas atrocities is precisely why...

Biden’s colossal border failure has allowed Trump’s comeback

On Monday, a 23-year-old man from El Salvador who entered the country illegally was arrested for the murder and rape of Maryland’s Rachel Morin, a mother...