MTA’s ridiculous overtime pay and more, Letters

Overly greedy

Overtime is not the only contract issue causing outrageous labor costs bankrupting the MTA that must be renegotiated (“End the MTA’s Overtime Insanity,” Editorial, May 15).

The retirement age of 55 must be raised to 68 and retirees and employees must contribute to healthcare costs.

Private-sector employees who will pay the congestion tax to fund this excess MTA compensation don’t enjoy anything close to these benefits.

Municipal unions own the politicians through campaign contributions and political endorsements. These politicians are not pro-labor: They are “pro” a tiny segment of municipal unions that working-family taxpayers must pay for, most recently in the congestion tax.

Andrew Feinman, Brooklyn

Rudy ruined, again

Fans of Rudy Giuliani’s WABC radio show should interpret the suspension of Giuliani as just another manifestation of the gag-order in place against former President Donald Trump (“Rudley, Giuliani!” May 14).

WABC owner John Catsimatidis faced some criticism when he first hired the former mayor. Now, if he fires Rudy, Catsimatidis could lose credibility as a supporter of the conservative voices of the United States who today are being drowned out by the loudmouths of the leftist media.

What Catsimatidis has failed to recognize is that the talking heads in the left-wing media are not only earning millions of dollars for bashing and trashing Trump every day, but not one of these pundits has been fired for speaking out about the same issues that Giuliani covered.

All Rudy really wanted was more air time and more money — and he deserved it.

Catsimatidis is naive not to realize that suspending Rudy will be interpreted by his fans as just another silencing of a Trump ally during this crucial time when Trump is facing multiple legal actions. Listeners could use Rudy’s perspective.

J. J. Crovatto, Ramsey, NJ

Super-sized prices

One of the more difficult concepts for some people to appreciate is “there is no such thing as a free lunch” (“McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills — and more fast-food chains may follow,” May 14).

It logically follows that someone, somewhere, somehow is paying for it. The policy of free drink refills is very often abused by dine-in patrons who believe it’s totally OK to fill a 32, 40 or 64 ounce thermal car mug numerous times to take “for the road.”

Vincent Ruggiero, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Blushing crimson

If there continues to be difficulty in finding a speaker for the annual Class Day event, I am willing to volunteer myself (“Harvard struggling to find speaker for annual Class Day event,” May 11).

I have not been involved in human-rights activities for more than 50 years. To the best of my knowledge, my brain has never been infected by a parasitic worm or, if it has been, it has never given me bad advice.

Bruce Couchman, Ottawa, Canada

Green machine

It’s very strange that someone so devoted to the left’s climate agenda would be so quiet about the subject now that he’s running for president (“RFK: Green Extremist,” Post Opinion, Daniel Turner, May 9).

A fair election is one where voters know what they’re getting before they choose a candidate. We need to know what he would do should he become president.

Gary Mottola, Brooklyn

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