Jill Biden’s Vogue interview proves she’s clinging to the reins of power

If anyone had any doubts as to why First Lady Jill Biden is still pushing hubby Joe to fight on for re-election, the unctious Vogue puff piece released Monday should settle it: Jill adores the spotlight.

The August issue will be her third Vogue cover in just three years. (Michelle Obama only agreed to three in eight years as first lady; the magazine shunned Melania Trump entirely).

The Vogue cover detailing Jill Biden. Norman Jean Roy/Vogue

And this “news” broke just a day after the Biden clan’s shoot with ultimate-celeb-photographer Annie Lebovitz at Camp David.

Status anxiety much?

Jill, after all, insists on being called “Dr. Jill Biden” because she has an Ed.D (a doctorate in education, not a PhD, let alone an MD); her thesis was on community-college student retention.

And never mind that Vogue long ago lost whatever prestige it had in Jill’s younger days.

Peppered with glossy photographs of FLOTUS in designer clothes, the interview centers on how very much she has long influenced Joe’s decisions — “in so many different areas,” she says. Was the interview supposed to help him win in November?

Or was it just a vehicle for flattery, like this from New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers: “People don’t mention her when they talk about Biden’s key advisers, but she’s his gut check and his closest confidant,” and “she’s fighting so hard for him to get a second term, because there are things they’ve got left on the agenda.”

Hmm: If Rogers is so deep in the First Family’s affairs, shouldn’t she have noticed that the president can’t function reliably after 4 p.m., and reported on it for the “all the news that’s fit to print” paper? Or are Times “journalists” expected to do nothing but brown-nose when a Democrat’s in the White House?

FLOTUS insists that the Bidens “will not let those 90 minutes” of Thursday’s debate “define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight.”

Yet what the debate defined was Joe’s current unfitness for office — which Jill won’t admit because she’s not done being first lady.

Staying in the race can’t be good for Joe Biden’s failing health; it puts him on course to end his career in a landslide, humiliated after trying to hang on when he obviously can’t function.

But Jill wants him to “continue to fight” because she has her eye on four Vogue covers in a second term.