Jeremy Clarkson blasts government with livid two-word reaction over pothole row | Celebrity News | Showbiz & TV

Clarkson’s Farm star Jeremy Clarkson slammed the government’s decision to give £87 million to Historic Britain, an organisation which teamed up with the Treasury to find out whether living near historical sites impacted on public happiness. Branding the research “b******s”, the 63-year-old revealed that he’d be much happier if the money was instead spent on mending Britain’s potholes.

“I’ve just done a quick bit of maths and it seems that £87 million would be enough to repair nearly two million potholes,” he witheringly wrote in his latest column for the Times. “And which would make you happier: that? Or a slightly dusty recollection in your head that you live quite near the Severn Valley railway?”

The Grand Tour star, known for his passion for motoring, has lamented the state of the nation’s roads on multiple occasions – and he sounded incensed at the prospect that “the financial benefit of increased happiness” had taken priority. “If you live near a historic site, the happiness and improved quality of life that results equates to increased spending of £515 a year. We are paying them to produce guff like this,” he exclaimed.

“They can’t mend the roads or fit our submarines with a missile that actually works, but they can sit around in wellness juice bars all day deciding that because someone lives near [Yorkshire stately home] Castle Howard, they’re going to spend £515 a year more than if they didn’t.” He added: “Britain’s gone to pot. Will living near a pottery really cheer us up?”

This is a subject close to Jeremy’s heart. Earlier in the year, he had claimed that roads in Britain are in worse condition than in the poverty-blighted African nation of Senegal.

He’d taken the trip there while filming his final ever scenes for The Grand Tour alongside James May and Richard Hammond.

As part of Sand Job, the trio headed through the Sahara before going on to Senegal, where Jeremy described driving as “like rolling over the marbled floor of a billionaire’s snooker room”.

Back in England, however, it was apparently a different story.

“Last year, I smashed into a hole so big there were dinosaurs living at the bottom of it, and it felt like my spine had momentarily appeared out of the top of my head,” he told The Sun.

He previously blasted that the government seems more interested in getting non-binary people’s pronouns correct than in fixing the potholes.

Recent stats collected by the Lib Dems suggest that across 81 councils, a total of more than half a million potholes were reported between 2021 and 2022.

Meanwhile, motoring association AA claimed it had received 52,000 call-outs in one single month alone – up 29% on the same period of time the previous year.

In desperation, multimillionaire musician Rod Stewart even opted to take matters into his own hands and fix some of the local potholes in his area himself, after saying: “My Ferrari can’t get through!”

Jeremy despairingly estimated that it could take £14 billion to repair all of the potholes, while warning that – in his view – government funds could be much better spent than they are currently.