Israel war is an attack on America

In a weekend full of outrages and atrocities — the kidnapping, murder and rape of innocents, the celebration of the carnage in the Muslim world and the excuse-making for it in the West — the progressive left and isolationist right united to express contrived indignation at Nikki Haley.

In a Saturday interview, Haley submitted that Hamas’ attack on Israel “should be personal for every woman and man in America.”

“They were saying, ‘Death to Israel, Death to America.’ This is not just an attack on Israel, this is an attack on America because they hate us just as much,” continued the ascending White House hopeful.

Haley’s anodyne assertion sent her blind, deaf and regrettably loud critics scrambling to clutch their pearls.

“Thanks for the reminder that, no matter how terrible America Firstism might be, returning to post-9/11 Bushism in foreign policy is unacceptable,” declared Damon Linker of The Bulwark and the University of Pennsylvania

“This is irresponsible, incendiary nonsense — yesterday was not ‘an attack on America’ — and as demagogic as anything we hear from Trump,” he added.

A chorus of shrill voices on the New Right joined Linker in his hysterical myopia, deriding Haley as a warmongering “neocon.”

Both critiques betrayed an ignorance of the context of this weekend’s events, which strongly support Haley’s contention.

Somehow her overconfident detractors missed Hamas’ leader Saturday tsk-tsking the Arab countries that have moved toward normalizing relations with Israel at the United States’ behest.

“The normalization agreements that you signed with that entity cannot resolve this conflict,” declared Ismail Haniyeh, who mourned the death of Osama bin Laden as the “continuation of the American policy based on oppression.”

Haniyeh, his cronies in Gaza and his peers in Lebanon view the United States as an inextricable ally of the world’s only Jewish state — and friends of the Jews are indistinguishable from Jews themselves to such barbarians.

They loathe the American-led world order as well as the values it upholds.

Little else symbolizes Pax Americana like the survival and success of Israel, which is why our enemies see the destruction of the latter as an essential step toward dismantling the former.

Unsurprisingly, then, the attack’s architects have explicitly acknowledged it as one on the United States.

A bombshell Sunday evening Wall Street Journal report revealed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps not only provided the financial backing for and helped plan the massacre but approved its commencement. 

The attack’s raw, emotional objective was to maim, murder, rape and humiliate Jews.

Its strategic objective, the Journal discovered, was to disrupt “accelerating U.S.-brokered talks to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel that Iran saw as threatening,” per senior leadership of the participating terror networks.

Days before the attack, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei all but confirmed this motivation when he proclaimed on X, “Governments that are gambling on normalizing relations with the Zionist regime will lose. As the Europeans say, ‘They are betting on a losing horse.’”

And in the hours after its start, the Iranian parliament cheered on the inhuman barbarism they had brought about by chanting, “Death to America.”

Those ignoring the bountiful evidence for the anti-American roots of the horror in Israel are ignoring their lying eyes for a variety of reasons.

The Biden administration has shamefully denied any knowledge of a connection between Iran and the attack, which is an incriminating indictment of either its competency or its credibility.

That probably has something to do with its inexplicable investment — inherited from the Obama administration — in making nice with the mullahs, an inclination most recently exemplified by its $6 billion giveaway to them.

For his part, Linker is a diehard member of the Obama-Biden foreign-policy blob.

In defense of the failed Iran deal back in 2015, Linker insisted American and Israeli interests diverged on the illegitimately implemented treaty.

He and his like-minded peers in government are so loath to admit their mistakes, they’d rather compound them with smears of more prescient observers. 

The isolationist right, meanwhile, has ideological investments in appealing to its own antisemitic faction as well as in insisting that a broad (that is, accurate) conception of American interests is a weakness, not a strength.

Consequently, it eschews a clear-eyed evaluation of specific events for lazy dismissals of the importance of anything that occurs out of sight of America’s own borders.

It’s uncomfortable for all and politically inconvenient for many to grapple with the fact the people behind the butchery in Israel are working toward inflicting the same kind of terror on populations across the globe.

But it’s nevertheless the responsibility of those with a shred of intellectual ability and honesty to do so.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite.