Humiliation for Vladimir Putin as ‘Russian troops sink their own ship’ | World | News

Russian troops have dealt a humiliating blow to their own ranks as reports emerge of the sinking of the trawler “Kapitan Lobanov” during a training exercise.

The incident, which occurred on March 19, resulted in the tragic loss of three crew members and left four others injured.

The vessel succumbed to the flames after being struck by a missile during a Baltic Fleet exercise, according to Russian media.

A video circulating on social media captured the harrowing moments as the trawler became engulfed in flames, painting a stark picture of the chaos and devastation wrought by the missile strike.

According to a report by Russian Telegram News Page TvRain, the relative disclosed that the fishing vessel was struck by a missile during the ill-fated training exercise.

The surviving crew members, upon receiving medical attention at a hospital in Pionersk, were reportedly subjected to interrogation by the Federal Security Service (FSB), during which they were instructed to maintain silence about the incident.

The full report read: “A relative of a crew member of the trawler ‘Captain Lobanov’ confirmed…that the ship was mistakenly hit by a navy missile. As a result of a missile hitting the fishing trawler Kapitan Lobanov on March 19, three crew members were killed and four more were injured…The missile that hit the trawler was fired during a Baltic Fleet exercise…Before the incident, the trawler’s crew members were about to go to bed when a rocket fell on the captain’s cabin.”

In a further twist, the family of survivors has expressed indignation towards authorities for initially announcing that a fire had caused the vessel’s sinking. Given that the entire cabin was reportedly destroyed in the blast, they questioned the accuracy of official statements.

The report continued: “The survivors were sent to a hospital in the city of Pionersk; one of the victims is in serious condition. According to the source, at the hospital the victims were interrogated by FSB officers, who asked the crew members ‘not to talk about the incident…

“Another missile, according to the source, fell into fishing nets near the industrial vessel of the MRTK company, which was located not far from the trawler ‘Kapitan Lobanov’.”