Gov. Hochul’s anti-Trump clown comments spur outrage: Letters

The Issue: Gov. Hochul’s comments in which she referred to Trump supporters as “clowns.”

Gov. Hochul referred to Trump voters as “clowns” (“Don’s NY fans: Gov’s the fool,” May 25).

Well, it takes one to know one. Are former President Donald Trump voters clowns because they want to see an end to inflation, a return to cheap gas, a secure border and peace in the world? All of these political achievements were present during his previous administration.

All Hochul and her Democratic Party of clowns have given us is high energy prices, rising food inflation, rampant crime, an open border and an international stage on fire. If Trump and his followers of clowns are able to fix the mess that we’re in now, then I would say it’s time to send in the circus.

Kenneth Fitzgerald


I watched Trump’s Bronx rally from my home in Long Island and was very moved by the beautiful people who attended that rally.

I would be honored to live in that community. But for Gov. Hochul to call them clowns is such a blatant act of disrespect for the people in that area, and typical of the types of Democrats who resort to insulting those who they don’t agree with. The real question is: “How many clowns can you stuff into Albany and the White House?”

The answer is way too many. It is time for a big change in New York and this great country.

Chelli Nobile

West Islip

So, two weeks ago, the black children of The Bronx did not know what a computer is. This week, the people of The Bronx who attended Trump’s rally are a bunch of clowns.

I hope the people of The Bronx wake up and realize how lowly the Democratic Party thinks of them.

Al Zoccolillo Sr.

White Plains

It’s hardly surprising that New York shares the top spot with fellow blue state California for out-of-state migration.

Sure, there are obvious reasons for this, as the cost of living continues to increase and crime runs rampant. However, it is hard not to overlook that Gov. Hochul’s disparaging of New York citizens, whom she purports to represent, plays a role in the exodus.

First, she told New York Republicans to leave. Now, Trump supporters in the inner-city borough of The Bronx are insulted as clowns.

The only question is: When will New Yorkers finally vote for a governor who cares for all of his or her constituents, as opposed to driving them out?

Eileen Corr

Brewster, Mass.

It’s funny how Gov. Hochul called all those who attended Trump’s Bronx rally Thursday night “clowns.”
The majority of those who attended were Bronx residents, the same clowns that voted for Hochul. I think she needs to work on her people skills.

Gerald DeAngelus


Gov. Hochul’s ugly reference to former President Trump’s almost 10,000 Crotona Park supporters as “clowns” shows that she’s as out of touch with working-class Americans as Primadonna Pelosi is.

The November election is shaping up to be a great reckoning for the coastal liberal elites who have the daunting task of defending President Biden’s failed presidency.

James Hyland


I take personal offense at Gov. Hochul calling Trump supporters “clowns.” In fact, I dare Gov. Hochul to come to any other Trump rally and call anyone a clown to his or her face. She will quickly learn that we wear our hearts on our sleeves.

William Fidurski

Clark, NJ

Gov. Hochul should apologize to everyone she called a “clown” for attending the Trump rally in The Bronx.
I guess we all have to think and vote like Hochl & Co., or else you are a basket of deplorables or, in this case, clowns. Truly, the only clown I see are these politicians who run this state.

Every day, these politicians prove the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Remember, elections have consequences, so we need to vote these clowns out.

Phillip Vallone


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