EU crony Donald Tusk accused of trying to ‘destroy Polish democracy’ as crisis escalates | World | News

Donald Tusk, Poland’s arch-europhile Prime Minister, is on a collision course with opponents after police arrested two politicians convicted of abuse of power who had taken refuge for hours in the palace of President Andrzej Duda.

But while Mr Tusk himself decried what he called a “very dangerous situation”, Jarosław Kaczynski, leader of the ousted right-wing Justice and Law Party (PiS) and himself a former Prime Minister, suggested the former President of the European Council only had himself to blame, accusing him of “putting the Polish constitution under threat”.

Mr Duda had welcomed former Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wasik, both PiS members, into the presidential palace as police went to their homes to arrest them. Mr Kaminski insisted: “We are not hiding. We are currently with the president of the Republic of Poland until evil loses.”

Polish media reported the men were arrested inside the palace. Warsaw police gave no details, saying only that yesterday’s arrest was “in accordance with the court order.”

The development is the latest in the escalating dispute between Mr Tusk’s recently appointed left-leaning government, and PiS, which governed Poland for eight years until last month, when it was defeated in October’s general election.

A particular flashpoint has been the decision by Mr Tusk’s government to take state broadcaster Telewizja Polska (TVP) off air just before Christmas. A resolution passed in the Sejm, Poland’s legislature, called for the restoration of “legal order, objectivity and fairness” of TVP, Polish Radio and the PAP news agency.

The move has triggered furious protests among PiS supporters, not least Mr Kaminski and Mr Wasik, as well as others including former Brexit Party leader and GB News host Nigel Farage.

Mr Duda, Poland’s head of state, is allied with Law and Justice and has made it clear he plans to oppose Mr Tusk’s agenda. Duda’s second and final term runs until mid-2025.

Tusk accused the president of going along with actions by Law and Justice to create chaos and instability after its electoral defeat, saying that Duda “must stop this spectacle, which is leading to a very dangerous situation.”

At a news conference, he read out a section of the penal code that he alleged Duda had violated, adding: “I just want the president to be aware of what his political friends have tricked him into. They are the ones setting a trap for him, not me.”

Parliamentary Speaker Szymon Holownia postponed a planned session of the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, which had been scheduled to start on Wednesday, until next week.

He warned the situation had created a “deep constitutional crisis … that does not guarantee that the Sejm’s deliberations this week would be peaceful.”

Speaking at a media briefing yesterday, Mr Kaczynski said: “We are protesting against clear violations of the Constitution and law. Tusk’s plan to break the law in terms of taking over public media was planned and announced in advance.

“Tusk said that he was going to change the leadership of the public television broadcaster, TVP, Polish Radio, and the Polish Press Agency, PAP. The ruling coalition government is fully aware that what they are doing is wrong but they simply don’t care.

“The ruling government’s acts are destroying parliamentary traditions that have generally tied Polish parties together. Their acts are overruling the hierarchy established by the constitution and circumventing the law-making process in Poland. Tusk is putting the Polish constitution under threat.”

Beata Szydlo, also a former Polish MP, told “Kaminski and Wasik were convicted in a questionable trial but were pardoned by the President. Irrespective, the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Holownia, decided to strip them of their mandates based on tenuous legal grounds.

“Poland is in danger of destroying the democratic basis for the functioning of the state. It has come to the point that, unable to cope with the chaos it has created, Tusk’s coalition has been forced to cancel the parliamentary sessions scheduled for the 10th and 11th.”

When in opposition, Mr Tusk had “baselessly” accused PiS of violating the constitution, Ms Szydło claimed.

She added: “However, from the moment of taking power, the liberals from Tusk’s party have single-handedly taken it upon themselves to try to destroy Polish democracy.

“These are the reasons why Law and Justice is calling for people to protest.

“We must defend the rule of law and democracy in Poland.”