Britain set to test nukes in huge flexing of military muscles with Trident 2 | UK | News

Britain will test nukes within days in a huge showing of its military might, with Trident 2 being launched for the first time in years.

The tests mark the first time Britain has fired a missile of that kind since a failed launch in 2016, and continues to grow fears the world could be heading towards World War Three.

According to The Sun, the £4billion submarine, HMS Vanguard, is set to test fire an unnamed missile following its seven-year refit in Plymouth. The tests represent the last passage on HMS Vanguard’s journey to re-entering service as part of the UK’s nuclear deterrent fleet.

The submarine, which is three decades old, was pictured sailing from Florida’s Port Canaveral on Tuesday morning.

It has previously been hailed as a “doomsday” vessel as it can patrol undetected for months at a time.

The latest reports show it can carry up to 16 Trident 2 D5 missiles – which are armed with multiple British-made warheads.

Each warhead is 20 times more powerful than the weapons dropped in World War Two on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

The US National National Geospatial Intelligence Agency warned shipping of the missiles expected course and what the impact in the mid-Atlantic could be.

The device is expected to travel around 3,720 miles (6,000 kilometres) around the globe before touching down in the ocean between Brazil and West Africa.

Within the warning, insiders were also told where debris could be expected to fall as the 60-tonne missile burns out during its testing.

The Trident missiles – around 44-foot and made by the US – are produced to blast to the edge of space and then track their position before returning back to Earth.

The maximum range of these missiles is around 7,400 miles (12,000km).

A source within the Royal Navy said each device can boast greater explosive power than what was dropped during the whole of World War Two.

However, officials ordinarily do not comment on nuclear and submarine missions.

The last time the weapon was tested was in 2016, from HMS Vengeance. That occasion was just the fifth time this century it had been tested, including other similar incidents back in 2000, 2005, 2009 and 2012.