Biden’s presidency has become a slow-moving car crash

“Mr. President,” shouted a reporter as Joe Biden stumbled slowly toward his presidential SUV on a rainy night in Delaware on Sunday. “Why are you losing to Trump in the polls?”

The leader of the free world stopped in his tracks, looked momentarily bemused, then turned toward his questioner and replied: “You’re reading the wrong polls!”

One second later, there was a loud bang as a random vehicle accidentally smashed into his presidential motorcade.

Biden looked bemused again before Secret Service agents bundled him inside the armored SUV.

It was a perfect metaphor: a presidency that’s become a slow-moving car crash.

The driver who banged into the motorcade has since been charged with DUI.

But when it comes to the analysis of polling, it would be more appropriate for President Biden to be charged with UID (under the influence of delusion).

The latest average of national polls by Real Clear Politics has former President Donald Trump beating Biden 47.2%-43.7%.

And in the crucial swing states, things look even worse for the incumbent president.

Members of the United States Secret Service speak to the driver of the vehicle that crashed into an agency SUV. REUTERS
President Biden reacts after a vehicle crashed into a Secret Service SUV that was blocking the street as Biden exited his campaign headquarters in Delaware on December 17. REUTERS

A new Morning Consult/Bloomberg News poll revealed that Trump leads his successor in seven swing states by an average of 5 percentage points (47%-42%) among registered voters.

Trump is up by 3 points in Arizona, 7 in Georgia, 4 in Michigan, 5 in Nevada, 11 in North Carolina, 1 in Pennsylvania and 6 in Wisconsin.

As for Biden’s personal approval numbers, they just hit record lows of 34%, and among crucial independent voters, a catastrophic 24%.

In fact, things are so bad that a new Monmouth poll reveals that for the first time, more people are impressed with his hapless, useless, clueless Vice President Kamala Harris than him, albeit by a small margin (35%-34%).

The driver who banged into the motorcade has since been charged with DUI. REUTERS

And despite his seemingly delusional public statements to the contrary, Biden knows his poll numbers are dreadful.

A withering Washington Post article disclosed that he’s been raging at staff over why his ratings are tanking so disastrously and demanding to know what they intend to do about it.

Yes, THEY.

In typical Biden style, everyone but himself is to blame for public disapproval of his woeful failures on everything from the economy — with 69% saying they don’t like the way he’s handled inflation — to immigration, where 68% say they think he’s mismanaging the increasingly chaotic situation on the southern border.

So when Biden says the only reason that we all think Trump’s beating him in the polls is because we’re all reading the wrong polls, he’s lying.

We’re looking at the same terrible polls he’s looking at and ranting at his staff about.

And they’re the same polls senior Democrats are looking at — and reaching dire conclusions.

This week, sources close to former President Barack Obama told the Wall Street Journal he fears his party could “very well lose” the 2024 election.

And Obama’s former top political adviser David Axelrod has warned that Biden’s approval ratings are “very, very dark news,” explaining on his podcast, “Job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with Trump not good … what I worry about … from a Biden standpoint, is these are the kinds of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes.”

In other words, the election clock is ticking fast, and by all current metrics, Joe Biden’s dragging the Democrats down toward their worst nightmare of getting Trump re-elected.

The single biggest concern voters have about Biden is the obvious one: his age.

He’s 81 going on 101, and his seemingly never-ending physical and verbal stumbles are developing into the Republican Party’s Utopian campaign highlights reel.

The latest average of national polls by Real Clear Politics has Trump beating Biden 47.2%-43.7%. REUTERS

You don’t need to create sophisticated attack ads when your opponent keeps falling over or saying dumb things — you just show clips of him making an ass of himself again and again and again.

What’s inexplicable is why the Democrats seem so hell-bent on standing by a leader who’s become not just a national but a global joke.

They seem to be clinging to the theory that while their man may be increasingly decrepit, he’s beaten Trump once, so he can beat him again.

Even Biden recently admitted: “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running.”

Trump is up by 3 percentage points in Arizona, 7 in Georgia, 4 in Michigan, 5 in Nevada, 11 in North Carolina, 1 in Pennsylvania and 6 in Wisconsin, according to polls. Getty Images

But all the polls he pretends he’s not seeing show that his chances of beating Trump in a rematch are declining faster than his cognitive functions.

He fares even worse against other Republican candidates like Nikki Haley — whom a Wall Street Journal poll had 17 percentage points ahead of him in a head-to-head — and Ron DeSantis is beating Biden in many polls too.

This is where Biden’s delusion is very real.

He genuinely thinks he’s going to retain the White House because there’s no chance of Americans voting for Trump again, and his anger at his aides is because Americans are telling pollsters the complete opposite and he doesn’t understand why they can’t just see what he sees even as Trump continues to nail him like a laser-focused sniper despite facing nearly 100 criminal charges.

The polls show that Biden’s personal approval numbers just hit record lows of 34%. REUTERS

Biden increasingly reminds me of Union Army chief Gen. John Sedgwick, who, during the American Civil War at the battle of Spotsylvania in 1864, famously berated his men for ducking for cover from Confederate bullets and declared confidently: “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance…”

He was shot dead seconds later.

Joe Biden is just as deluded about the threat from Trump, and if he insists on running in 2024, his political career will meet the same fate.