Biden’s Morehouse College commencement speech: Letters

The Issue: President Biden’s commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically black school.

Colleges and universities should never invite campaigning politicians like President Biden to attend, let alone give, a commencement address (“Joe’s pomp & condescension,” Adam B. Coleman, May 21).

If I was an African-American listening to Biden’s Morehouse College speech, I would be deeply offended — not only with Biden’s specious appeal for the black vote, but with his smarmy sermonizing as well. After all, Biden has pretty much been the poster boy for white privilege throughout his political career.

There are numerous successful, highly qualified and very interesting African-Americans that Morehouse could have invited to speak instead.

Vincent Ruggiero

Scottsdale, Ariz.

I teach at two New York colleges and have had many students of color in my classes.

I have to say that many of them have been among my most attentive and successful students in various classes — both large and small. I am certain that these students would not have appreciated being spoken to in the condescending way our president spoke to graduating seniors at Morehouse’s commencement ceremony.

For the most part, both our country and our culture have largely left the trope of “suffering minorities” behind the nation’s tail lights. This, however, is apparently not the case for Biden and his advisers — who are bent on condescendingly perpetuating this trope.

Jay Roberts


President Biden’s Morehouse commencement speech was yet another example of the fictional narrative he is spinning in a bid to get re-elected.

I am puzzled by the one simple fact Biden cannot lie about: That the “broken” and “unfair” democracy he complained about during his speech was governed and administered by his administration for the past nearly four years. Two of those years also had Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress.

So, from Biden’s perspective, our democracy is terrible enough to mention to graduating seniors. Yet he and his administration left this problem uncorrected?

Sean Kelly


Biden lectured graduating students at Morehouse College about how badly African-Americans have been treated in the past in order to show how much better he could do for them if re-elected as president.

Unfortunately, Biden neglected to mention all the Americans — black and white — whom he has hurt through overdoses, sexual and physical assaults, robberies and other crimes caused by his open-border policy with regard to the southern border. He instituted this policy to allow migrants to become US citizens and serve as potential voters.

Judging by the graduating Morehouse students’ decision to eloquently turn their backs on Biden, they are a lot smarter than he could have possibly imagined. This speaks volumes both to their intelligence and to Biden’s lack thereof.

Matthew Pease

Demarest, NJ

Graduating Morehouse students turned their backs to President Biden as he delivered his commencement address.

Do those students have every right to protest? I guess so, even if it was in such a silly way. Was it courteous, however? Probably not.

I wonder if any of these very same students had their student debt wiped away because of the recent Biden administration student-debt-relief policy. But even if their debt was forgiven, their protest was a fair play.

Michael McMorrow


In Biden’s commencement speech at Morehouse, he describes an America in which it would seem impossible for a black man to be elected president.

Yet it has happened twice — and Biden was vice president during that time. It was very disheartening to hear him, as our current president, trash our nation.

If you vote for Biden, you are actively hurting your country. And if you hate Trump that much, it would be better for you to not vote at all.

Pete Massaro

The Villages, Fla

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