Biden’s latest peace-plan lie delights Hamas and hurts Israel

Joe Biden just can’t stop lying when it comes to Israel: Witness his latest peace deal BS.

The president on Friday went public with what he said was an Israeli truce proffer.

The three-phase plan included a full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza (with Hamas freeing the remaining women and children among its hostages). 

Except that key element has now turned out to be false, with Israeli officials claiming they never said any such thing and PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s office affirming that the “conditions for ending the war have not changed” and that Biden’s deal is a “non-starter.”

Hamas, of course, loved the idea, with one of the terror group’s leaders calling it “positive progress.”

Indeed — it’s “positive progress” toward a major tactical and strategic victory for the cadre of Islamist killers

Now, the Biden administration’s purpose in floating this deal, and stupidly pretending it was Israel’s idea, was clear: The prez and his handlers are clearly hoping to pressure Netanyahu into folding and ending the humane and justified counterattack against Hamas.


Well, Biden clearly believes he’ll reap votes from a peace deal (or at least from visibly putting even more daylight between himself and Israel). 

He and his team are also committed to sucking up to Iran; hurting Israel while aiding Hamas serves that goal, too. 

Even though both are disastrous not only for Israel but for the United States as well.

As for Biden’s airily tossed off claim that Hamas is no longer capable of another Oct. 7, color us skeptical: How does he (or anyone) know what the terrorists still have in their underground lairs?

And even if it’s true now, Israel letting up before the terror group is totally defeated would mean only a few years until it rebuilds enough to launch more such attacks (as its leadership has promised). 

In other words, the move is signature Biden: as stupid as it is mendacious

Israel needs to finish the job. And Biden and his flunkeys need to get out of the way. 

This isn’t a game for Dem votes or warm fuzzies from Tehran. It’s literal life and death.