Biden’s iffy support for Israel: Letters to the Editor

The Issue: President Biden’s messaging to Israel as the country responds to Hamas’ attack on civilians

President Biden, despite his tough talk about backing Israel, is now walking it back by saying Israel should not occupy Gaza after it removes Hamas from the region (“Pressure,” Oct. 17).

This is most likely caused by his inability to think for himself and letting the far left dictate his policies.

Congress must let him know that Israel will determine its future based on what the country must do to prevent another attack, not based on what it’s told not to do.

Remember, if President Barack Obama had listened to his vice president and called off the attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound, bin Laden might still be planning terror around the world.

You’re either all in or not, Joe.

Robert Feuerstein

Staten Island

Pressuring Israel on how to conduct a war against a terrorist organization like Hamas is inane.

Hamas is known to hide behind women, children and all innocent civilians. Getting rid of Hamas will benefit many countries, including the United States, and innocent Palestinians.

If Biden knows how to conduct a war in Gaza without civilian casualties, he should send American troops to do that. Israel should not suffer additional casualties so Biden can appease Iran.

Ezra Ini

Forest Hills

Jordan canceled the summit with Biden. Why not have some fun by humiliating our nearly posthumous POTUS?

After all, there is no price to be paid. Those advising Biden are already giving Jordan’s King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas what they want, which is pressure on Israel to stop short of neutralizing Hamas.

Abdullah, Sisi and Abbas also know it’s terrific for their optics to self-righteously refuse to meet with the corrupt, dotard “leader of the free world.”

Julia Lutch

Davis, Calif.

After listening to President Biden’s speech from Israel, I feel conflicted and remain concerned whether the articulated support for Israel will continue in this administration.

His words expressing empathy are appropriate and gratifying. But my specific concern is oriented around the fact that Biden failed to mention Iran and its control over its terrorist surrogates, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Iran finances, arms, coordinates and trains these organizations. Iran is the head of the snake of modern terrorism.

If Iran “green lights” Hezbollah opening up a northern front against Israel, it would be potentially calamitous for Israel. Would the United States then get involved or are the two aircraft carrier groups just there on a cruise to the Levant? Much of the answer is in stopping Iran’s evil power.

Stanley M. Rubin

Fresh Meadows

Biden is finally doing the right thing, giving military support to Israel. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is one of two aircraft carriers stationed in the eastern Mediterranean in case of a wider war. It’s also been reported that 2,000 US troops are on alert.

I fully understand what our fighting men and women could be faced with. I served in the US Navy during the Vietnam era and was stationed aboard an aircraft carrier and a destroyer in the Mediterranean.

My heartfelt prayers go to Israel and the US during this conflict with the Hamas. I hope we get the hostages home safely. I also pray for a speedy end to this war and that the terrorists face justice.

Frederick Bedell, Jr.


Biden tells the Israelis that he backs them fully — then tells them to use restraint in their war against Hamas. Mixed-message Joe is at it again.

Biden has to be careful not to upset the far leftist Democrats, so behind-the-scenes, his minions will likely remind Israel with not-so-veiled threats that it had better heel.

The last person you would want advising your defense policy is Biden.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

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