Biden’s day ‘diary’ revealed! (At least as far as he can remember)

A Post reader sent a letter to President Biden, but instead of sending back a reply, he absentmindedly mailed his personal daily diary along with two nickels and some pocket lint. Here, we exclusively reveal the contents of that diary:


10 am — Meet with president of China, Chairman Mao. When I first started in the Senate, I met Mao and I stuck my finger in his chest and said ‘You don’t mess with a guy from Scranton.’ He looked at me funny. Probably because he speaks Japanese.

11 am — No, wait, this is when that meeting is. 10 am is wake-up time.

11:15 am — Here come the press. They don’t make them like Helen Thomas any more. That aide, whatshisname, he’s going to try to give me note cards, but I’m going to wing it. Dark Bradley, that’s me! Give ol’ Hu a piece of my mind.


(Scribbled in margin — That press woman wrote that).

11:30 am — Left. Left. They said walk out the left door. Gonna remember today. Left as in Feinstein. I wonder how Dianne is doing? I should call her.

NoonLunch with whatshername. Jill! Tomato soup, Saltines and some weak iced tea. 

1 pm — Nap time. 

(Scribbled in margin — They should really move the recliner into the Oval Office)

Joe Biden’s classified documents probe report

  • Special counsel Robert Hur determined that President Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” after leaving office as vice president in 2016.
  • The records kept by Biden included documents on military and foreign policy in Afghanistan as well as other national security and foreign policy issues.

  • Biden kept the classified documents in part to assist with the writing of his memoirs. According to the report, Biden told a ghostwriter in a 2017 conversation that he had “just found all the classified stuff downstairs.”
  • Despite the findings, Hur’s 388-page report recommended that the president not face charges.
  • The special counsel noted that Biden would likely present himself to a jury as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” if he were to face trial.

2 pm — Jump on the phone with some of Hunter’s friends. He sure is cosmopolitan! I never know it’s going to be an Asian or someone from one of those “stans” — Stan Musial, what a hitter that guy was. Or was that Stan Morgan? Stan Lee? I just gotta say how much I love my son and would do anything for him. Hunter keeps saying I should stress anything. Hate it when they try to stage manage me.

2:30 pm — Something about Europe I think. Probably Thatcher on the call. 

(Scribbled in margin — Blair? Major? Chirac? They’ll tell me)

3 pm — Jill? Jill! Where’s my ice cream!

3:15 pm — Whatever happened to Corn Pop?

3:30 pm — Fundraiser. They love it when I talk about Trump. Trump’s America would be like the Titanic. You know I was on the Titanic. It’s true. Got rescued on one of those door things. I remember sitting there and pointing and saying, that’s what happens. When you try to build big things. Terrible tragedy. Like when my house burned down. All of Delaware was up in flames. 

4 pm — Campaign strategy meeting. Did you see that John F. Kennedy ad during the Super Bowl? Is he running again? He’ll be tough to beat. I’m going to suggest again I get out there and speak more, but they seem to think it’s better if I don’t. I’m also not allowed to leave the White House.

5 pm — Back to Delaware! What a day. 

(Scribbled in margin — Can you believe Ken Starr called me old with a bad memory?)