Amy Schumer Israel stance is too far for the left’s Jew-haters

Comedian Amy Schumer’s made a career out of provocation, parlaying a brazen, out-there sensibility into fame and fortune. 

But after a professional life spent slapping at social proprieties, she finally went too far: She dared to stand up for Israel after the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7

She attended a pro-Israel rally in New York City and posted on Instagram “As we all know, this is the deadliest event that has happened to the Jewish people since the holocaust.”

After Palestinian terror cadre Islamic Jihad accidentally hit the parking lot of Gaza’s al-Ahli hospital with a rocket, she took to the internet to fight for the truth amid massive media efforts to promote Hamas propaganda that Israel was responsible. 

And she signed an open letter demanding TikTok take action against antisemitism on the platform. 

As a result, she’s lost friends and suffered public blowback, including Nazi “jokes” from failed standup comedian Josh Androsky (who has since resigned his post as an LA City Council aide). 

As well as a reporter for The Intercept — in what is clearly the runup to the world’s weakest-ever hit piece — trying to dig up info about how Schumer’s  . . . mean to waiters. 

Proof positive that the only reason Schumer’s facing heat is because she’s pro-Israel. 

To anyone familiar with the sharp, no-thinking-needed leftism of US cultural elites, the furor over Schumer is no surprise. 

Starting in the literal hours after Hamas launched its massacres, Ivy League students and educators, top-level reporters and countless other big names came out to back the terrorists. 

First under the banner of “decolonization.”

Then by decrying alleged Israeli excess in its justified counterattack against Gaza — despite Hamas officials’ open admission that they use Gazans as human shields and will continue terror attacks on Israeli civilians until the Jewish state ceases to exist. 

This isn’t complicated. Schumer’s right; the left’s professional antisemites are wrong. 

Good on ya, Amy.