Adams’ ‘destroy’ truth on migrants: Letters

The Issue: Mayor Adams’ comment that the migrant crisis will “destroy New York City.”

I appreciate Mayor Adams’ comments on the impact asylum seekers will have on New York City (“This will destroy us: Eric,” Sept. 8).

City residents have been seeing the impact of being a sanctuary city for over a year — makeshift housing and demands for medical, social and educational services.

The real questions are: What did the mayor expect? And where are his Democratic Party allies?

Beyond that, to blame Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and former President Donald Trump is absurd.

Where is President Biden? Perhaps he is listening to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who asserts that the border is closed.

A very sad situation indeed — for the asylum seekers and for the tax-paying residents of this city.

Yakov Moshe


So Adams is finally losing his patience with the influx of illegals coming into New York City.

Wasn’t he one of the people who wanted to show his compassion for the “asylum seekers”?

Where are the overpaid Assembly members? What the hell do these Democrats do on the city, state and federal level besides look for ways to get former President Donald Trump?

S. Kane


Sadly, the invasion of our once-great city and state could have been avoided.

The open border policies of the president and the sanctuary city and state policies of New York have put us all in this untenable situation.

Combined with “criminal reform” and defunding the police, Adams and Gov. Hochul have managed to turn New York City and state into one expensive hellhole.

I was always a proud New York taxpayer, born here and lived here all my life. But I plan on moving to a non-sanctuary state, where criminals don’t run free, children are safely educated, and the police are respected and appreciated.

I suspect many other New York taxpayers will follow me.

Joan Galanti


Adams whines that the city will be destroyed by the migrant influx.

Yet he was elected to lead, not whine. Actions speak louder than words.

When the migrant buses arrive, gas them up, give each passenger a box lunch and ship them to Washington, DC.

Andrew Fremer


Adams has repeatedly stated how proud he was that New York City is a sanctuary city. Now, Adams is saying that illegal immigrants will destroy New York City.

He is also tried sending those same illegal immigrants to other communities in New York state, the same action as that of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Adams completely disregarded this situation to virtue-signal until it impacted him. Now, he is inflicting that same economic damage on other communities in New York state, such as mine. Who’s the madman now?

Adams isn’t a mayor, he is the hypocrite in chief and should be held accountable by all those New Yorkers impacted by his failed immigration policies.

John Polimeni


Adams has no one to blame but himself. He has continued to say that we are a sanctuary city.

He had to realize that the Biden administration was not going to pay one bit of attention or actuality give our city the funds to pay for the migrants.

Now that we are at the breaking and bankrupt point, he’s crying. He is blaming southern cities for shipping the immigrants to other cities. Doesn’t he realize that they are going broke, too?

He is the one destroying our city. There was always a legal way to immigrate to our country, but he and the federal government have chosen to rewrite those ways. Democrats will do anything to get votes.

Kim Cody, Whitestone

I saw Adams’ rant about how the migrant crisis is destroying this beautiful city.

Eric, every New Yorker knows that you caused this crisis. Without the slightest bit of planning, you told everyone far and wide that New York City was a sanctuary city.

You are in way over your head. The next step is up to you. You need to apologize to the people of New York City and walk away.

Robert McKenna

Staten Island

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